Christoph Bennedict Scheffel

This brand is currently selling some of our old collections:


  • 01 French General Staff
  • 04 Wellington’s escape

  • 08 Nap. France, Line Chasseurs, 1812

AA - Line chasseurs, charging, full set - Glorious Empires-Historical Miniatures

  • 22.1 French Line Chasseurs
  • 24.1 French Guard Chasseurs
  • 25 French Hussards
  • 02 French Line Dragoons
  • 28.1 Artillery Egypt Campaign, firing

28.1 AA - French Artillery firing, full set - Glorious Empires-Historical Miniatures

  • 28.2 Artillery Egypt Campaign, loading.

28.2 - French Artillery loading, full set - Glorious Empires-Historical Miniatures

  • 37.1 /a Battle of Redecieh, Davout against Osman Bey - just the horses and riders

37.1 Egypt Campaign - Battle of Redecieh full set - Glorious Empires-Historical Miniatures

  • 41.1 /a Battle of the Pyramids - just the horses and riders

41 Campaign Egypt: Battle of Prymaids - Glorious Empires-Historical Miniatures


In case you are interested in acquiring any of these collections, you need to check this brand’s store.