The waiting is over! Over the past year, I have been struggling with my health, or, lack thereof. Let me take this unique opportunity to thank you for staying with us when times were tough and to welcome new customers for choosing us. With the help of a team of enthusiastic volunteers, I am proud to announce that Glorious Empires is back. Newer. Stronger. Better.
It is an absolute pleasure to introduce you to our new line of GEM's, Glorious Empires Miniatures. As kick-off products, T-Shirts with vibrant yet classy prints of our master-painted vignettes were made. They have arrived. (Click here to view the products).
To celebrate this kick-off, you can now have them at ONLY 19,95 euro until the end of August.
That's not it, there is more: we are currently designing a major series of 30mm figures while another smaller set is being engraved. By the end of September, we will launch the first two products of a major new series of 2-dimensional houses in 30 mm. These houses will be offered unpainted and painted.
Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for the latest sneak peeks, promotions, behind-the-scenes stories!
Yours sincerely,
Jacques G.H. Vullinghs